Thursday, December 17, 2009

Output Post Processor was down

Actual process of concurrent manager Output Post Processor is 0 and target process is 1.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Telnet to application tier server via OS user applmgr, and source the env file

2. Shutdown concurrent server via command under

3. To ensure concurrent manager down; check there is no FNDLIBR process running.
ps -ef | grep applmgr | grep FNDLIBR

4. Run adadmin to relink FNDSVC executable.

1. Invoke adadmin from command prompt
2. Choose option 2 (2. Maintain Applications Files menu)
3. Choose option 1 (1. Relink Applications programs )
4. Then type "FND" When prompted; ( Enter list of products to link ('all' for all products) [all] : FND )
5. Ensure adrelink is exiting with status 0

5. Start Concurrent Managers using

6. Retest the issue.

7. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

please look into ID 858813.1

AutoPatch error:ERROR [code=-119] compiling out of date JSP files An error occurred while compiling JSP files.

Make sure $COMMON_TOP/_pages/_oa__html does exist.

You can continue applying the patch as normal.
It is not necessary to compile all the jsp pages in adpatch. They can be compiled when accessed via the browser. When starting adpatch there is an option you can use -option=nocompilejsp
This way the compilation will not take place.
Any old jsp pages in the cache directories will be automatically recreated when called via the browser.

Please look into ID 296129.1

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

JSP Error on Quotes

JSP Error:

Request URI:/OA_HTML/qotSZzdContainer.jsp



Compile qotSZzdContainer.jsp file by using$JTF_TOP/admin/scripts)

Syntax: – -compile -s 'qotSZzdContainer.jsp'

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Free space on DATAFILES

Query to findout free space in Datafiles.

select rownum as rank, a.*
from (
select df.tablespace_name tspace,
df.bytes/(1024*1024) tot_ts_size,
sum(fs.bytes)/(1024*1024) free_ts_size,
(df.bytes-sum(fs.bytes))/(1024*1024) used_ts_size
from dba_free_space fs, (select tablespace_name,file_id, sum(bytes) bytes
from dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name,file_id ) df
where fs.tablespace_name = df.tablespace_name
and fs.file_id = df.file_id
and df.tablespace_name like UPPER('%&tablespace_name%')
group by df.tablespace_name, df.file_id, df.bytes
ORDER BY free_ts_size DESC) a
where rownum < 11

Inactive Sessions in Oracle applications

Query for Inactive Sessions:
Select distinct SUBSTR(d.user_name,1,20)"User Name",b.status,b.sid,b.serial# FROM v$process a,v$session b,fnd_logins c,fnd_user d WHERE AND d.user_id AND a.adr=b.addr AND TO_DATE(c.start_time)=TO_DATE(sysdate) AND c.end_time IS NULL order by 1;

TEMP table space and usage

Query to findout the usage and free space on TEMP tablespace:
SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes_used)/1024/1024/1024, SUM(bytes_free)/1024/1024/1024 from v$temp_space_header GROUP BY tablespace_name;

Query to findout temp file locations:
select file_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 from dba_temp_files group by file_name;

Monday, July 13, 2009

Concurrent manager log file is empty

Error:The log file for this request is empty.The concurrent manager may have encountered an error while attempt to create this file.


check the softlink on that excutable..may be it is pointing to wrong location.


phoenix:FINIT3OA:/FINIT3OA/ora03/FINIT3OA/finit3oaappl/fr/1.0/bin$ ls -ltr /FINIT3OA/ora03/FINIT3OA/finit3oaappl/fr/1.0/bin/fr_msc_plan_interface

lrwxrwxrwx 1 appltst3 dba 61 Jul 7 04:33 /FINIT3OA/ora03/FINIT3OA/finit3oaappl/fr/1.0/bin/fr_msc_plan_interface -> /FINIT3OA/ora03/FINIT3OA/finit3oaappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/fndcpesr

fr_msc_plan_interface -> /FINIT3OA/ora03/FINIT3OA/finit3oaappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/fndcpesr

APPLPTMP set properly

ORA-10ORA-20100: File o0079057.tmp creation for FND_FILE failed.
You will find more information on the cause of the error in request log.


check the APPLPTMP location on DB tier in init.ora file (UTL_FILE_DIR).It shou;d be set properly.
And check the permissions on that temp file for that application user.

FR_TOP issue after autoconfig or Postclone steps

function not available for this responsibility.Change responsobilities or contact system administrator.

1.Set FR_TOP and FRLAAPPS location in $IAS_APACHE_TOP/Apache/Jserv/etc/formservlet.ini on application tier.

2.Check the FR_TOP locationin topfile.txt($APPL_TOP/admin)

Inactive no manager

1.Restart Concurrent manager.

2.Purge concurrent manager/request log files regular interval.


3. Logon to SQL*Plus as 'APPS' and run the following SQL statement:

update fnd_concurrent_queues set control_code = 'A' where concurrent_queue_name = 'FNDCRM';

Batchmgr:XXXX/XXXX/XXXX.log :cannot create

For this issue:

1.Check the mount point space on concurrent manager log directory.And delete the $OAD_TOP/temp directory and recreate it.


2.check the read/write permissions on applmgr for that concurrent manager log directory.

SQL commnadto hold/cancel all concurrent requests

Manually cancel the request out of the queue with the following SQL against the offending
request id(s). This can be safely done while managers are up and running:

SQL> UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests
SET phase_code = 'C', status_code = 'X'
WHERE request_id = '';

Note: To obtain request details prior to cancelling the request, use Note 134035.1 ANALYZEREQ.SQL - Detailed Analysis of One Concurrent Request. When prompted, provide the request id to be analyzed. This can be useful for determining the reason why the request may be stuck in the queue

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Concurrent Manager

Status Pending With 'Inactive No Manager' for Concurrent Requests

Set the control_code to 'A' in fnd_concurrent_queues for the Conflict Resolution Manager:
1. Logon to Oracle Applications database server as 'applmgr'.
2. Verify the Applications environment is setup correctly ($ORACLE_HOME
3. Logon to SQL*Plus as 'APPS' and run the following SQL statement:
update fnd_concurrent_queues set control_code = 'A' where concurrent_queue_name = 'FNDCRM';
4. Verify the status of the concurrent managers through the
Concurrent -> Manager -> Administer form.
If the CRM is still not active, bounce (deactivate, activate) the Internal
Concurrent Manager. This is done through the Concurrent -> Manager ->
Administer form from the 'System Administrator' responsibility. It can also
be done through the CONCSUB command at the command level.

How do you check whether Trace is enabled to particular concurrent program from the back end?

1. select CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID,USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME from apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl where USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME like '%Program Name%'; (You will get Id)
2. select concurrent_program_id,enable_trace from apps.fnd_concurrent_programs where concurrent_program_id ='concurrent program id';
Try to restart the Concurrent Manager by System Administrator responsibility.Concurrent > Managers > AdministerRestart the Standard Manager.

No Concurrent Manager is Defined to Process This Request on Shutdown of Managers

1. Stop managers (adcmctl.cmd)
2. Open Windows Task Manager to view processes
3. Open View Concurrent Requests form and refresh screen often and wait forthe Abort Concurrent Manager request to "Complete" "Normal".
4. Refresh the Task Manager to verify FNDLIBR and all other concurrent managerprocesses are gone.
5. For routine maintenance, use Note 134007.1 CMCLEAN.SQL - Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables to clean the tables while the managers are down and then restart managers.
6. Check managers for requests in Pending status via View Concurrent Requests.
7. If after cmclean.sql, pending requests remain, the requests must be manually cancelled. This does not require shutting down of the managers.

Perform the following in SQL*Plus as the APPS user:
UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests SET phase_code = 'C', status_code = 'E' WHERE request_id = ''; COMMIT;
8. After manually killing request, the job(s) go to Completed Error status and managers should start gracefully without any pending requests.

Concurrent manager shutdown can take a few minutes to complete, wait a few minutes and confirm that it shuts down. Concurrent Processing development team have confirmed that the concurrent manager does not terminate OS/Database processes, this must be done through some other mechanism such as DCD (Dead Connection Detection via Sqlnet) or some OS method.