Thursday, December 17, 2009

Output Post Processor was down

Actual process of concurrent manager Output Post Processor is 0 and target process is 1.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Telnet to application tier server via OS user applmgr, and source the env file

2. Shutdown concurrent server via command under

3. To ensure concurrent manager down; check there is no FNDLIBR process running.
ps -ef | grep applmgr | grep FNDLIBR

4. Run adadmin to relink FNDSVC executable.

1. Invoke adadmin from command prompt
2. Choose option 2 (2. Maintain Applications Files menu)
3. Choose option 1 (1. Relink Applications programs )
4. Then type "FND" When prompted; ( Enter list of products to link ('all' for all products) [all] : FND )
5. Ensure adrelink is exiting with status 0

5. Start Concurrent Managers using

6. Retest the issue.

7. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

please look into ID 858813.1

AutoPatch error:ERROR [code=-119] compiling out of date JSP files An error occurred while compiling JSP files.

Make sure $COMMON_TOP/_pages/_oa__html does exist.

You can continue applying the patch as normal.
It is not necessary to compile all the jsp pages in adpatch. They can be compiled when accessed via the browser. When starting adpatch there is an option you can use -option=nocompilejsp
This way the compilation will not take place.
Any old jsp pages in the cache directories will be automatically recreated when called via the browser.

Please look into ID 296129.1