Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why is assigned responsibility not appearing in the navigator page during login?

User data in the FND_USER, FND_RESPONSIBILITY, WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES, and WF_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS tables is not valid. To synchronize data follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the define user form (FNDSCAUS).
2. Query up the user (that is having the issue) and insure the responsibility is NOT end dated.
3. END DATE the USER (not the responsibility) and save the record.
4. UNEND DATE the USER and save the record.
5. Run the request 'Sync responsibility role data into the WF table'.
6. Run the request "Synchronize WF LOCAL tables".
7. Run the request "Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation" (with parameters 10000, yes, yes, yes).
8. Have the user log off and back on and verify that the responsibility appears.

Please refer 565130.1 metalink note.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Conflict Resolution Manager

Function of Conflict Resolution Manager:-

Concurrent managers read request to start concurrent programs running. The
Conflict Resolution Manager checks concurrent program definitions for
incompatibility rules.

If a program is identified as Run Alone, then the Conflict Resolution Manager
prevents the concurrent managers from starting other programs in the same
conflict domain.

When a program lists other programs as being incompatible with it, the Conflict
Resolution Manager prevents the program from starting until any incompatible
programs in the same domain have completed running.

If the Conflict Resolution Manager fails, the Internal Manager will restart the
Conflict Resolution Manager, or will process incompatibilities if the profile
option Concurrent: Use ICM is set to Yes.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Discoverer 4i

• Simple SQL custom calculations
• More flexible reporting (subtotals, etc.)
• Operates directly against relational data source
• Transactional view available
• Record-based selection
• More intuitive for users that know SQL
• Getting the data you want
• Analyzing your data
• Sharing your data with others
• Reduce the amount of data by using Conditions
• Create a new workbook, if necessary.
• Open the workbook that contains the data you want

Disadvantages –
• Need For Users to Know Underlying DB structures and/or SQL
• Weak security, either public or private, unless installed as part of Oracle Apps